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IV Relationships within ASI and membership

Article 6

ASI is constituted and constitutes its working and relationships developing among its members upon the unconditional respect of the principles of nonhierarchical direct-democracy, responsibility for all obligations and solidarity taken upon oneself by the fact of membership.

Article 7

The members of ASI join for:
  • more effective realization of their particular and common interests;
  • realization of other, interdependently accorded and specified common interests, especially in the realm of the workplace-legislative protection, collective negotiation and building of the free society.

Article 8

Decision about the adherence to ASI each member makes after having accepted as a whole the Statute of ASI and its programmatic guidelines.

Article 9

In view of the realization of interests of its members ASI can engage into the broader forms of union and other organizations in the country and abroad. Decision about such associations is made solely by the Congress or the Plenary Meeting of ASI.

Article 10

Who can become a member of ASI:
  • the members of all branches and specifications of labor already organized in unions;
  • the employees who fall out of the widespread of the existing union organizations by means of formation of the Profession Unions and the Local Groups;
  • entire union branches already existing in the enterprises or factories;
  • the organizations of unions of the retired, invalids of work, unemployed, as well as other social organizations, unions of the mixed professions, cooperatives; associations of self-employed can, also, become collective members of ASI.

Article 11

Members of ASI can not be: members of any political party, paid union bureaucrats, individuals on the position which enables the firing from and admitting to work, as well as employed at performing duties involving the obligatory carrying of weaponry or those that stand in immediate relation to such employments (e.g. employees in prisons).

Article 12

ASI does not subscribe to the system of paid performing of union duties. All duties within ASI are performed in respect of the principle of volunteer engagement of the delegated structures i.e. the individuals that they consist of.

Article 13

Membership in the ranks of ASI is volunteer by its character and is realized following the decision of the organization or the individual.

Article 14

Members of ASI have standardized personal membership-card bearing on its cover the insignia of ASI and the sign of the International Workers Association.

Article 15

ASI is financed by the membership-fees, donations of solidarity, as well as by the respective bodies formed within ASI for the purpose of financing various activities of the organization. Donation coming from the individuals, the non-capitalist foundations and the nonhierarchical groups are admitted. ASI never admits donations from the State, the capitalist foundations and the hierarchical organizations.

Article 16

The fee:
  • Every member of ASI is obliged to pay the fee on the regular basis;
  • The membership-fee amounts to the 1% of the net earning of the member;
  • The organizations of unions and individuals referred to in the 4. paragraph of the article 10 pay the fee in accordance to the decision of the Plenary Meeting of ASI.

Article 17

The overall amount of the fee ought to be deposited onto the transfer account of the Enterprise Union, Profession Union, the District or Local Group, or the organization referred to in the 4. paragraph of the article 10 of this Statute. If Enterprise Union is not formed the fee ought to be deposited onto the transfer account of the Profession union. If the Profession Union is not formed the overall sum of the fee is to be deposited onto the transfer account of the Local Group.

Article 18

  • Each Enterprise Union or the organization from the 4. paragraph of the article 10 of present Statute is obliged to pay one third of the monthly fee onto the transfer account of the Profession Union;
  • Each Profession Union is obliged to pay one third of the monthly fee onto the transfer account of the of the Local Group;
  • Each Local and District Group is obliged to pay one third of the amount raised from the monthly membership-fees, paid by the membership or Professional Unions, onto the transfer account of the Regional Confederation;
  • Each Regional Confederation is obliged to pay one third of the amount raised from the monthly membership-fees by the Local and District Groups onto the transfer account of the General Secretariat of ASI.

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