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Argentinska anarhistička periodika na netu

Izuzetno znimljivo, pogotovo za one sa brzim internetom i poznavanjem španskog jezika:

Although only a small fraction of the Argentine anarchist journals which will be available over the next few months is currently online, already there are at least two dozen journals with at least one issue available at:


All the links with dates have at least one edition and some of the links without dates near the top of the list also are currently available. Many editions and more journals will go online in the coming months, including English translations, as I will be teaching the course which developed Anarchy Archives http://anarchyarchives.org in the Fall (for the first time in five years) . Throughout the summer, each day, new material will be added, and in the fall the Anarchy Archives will grow substantially.

Dana Ward
Professor of Political Studies
Pitzer College
1050 N. Mills
Claremont, Ca 91711

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