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Forumi->Aktuelno->Protesti protiv klimatskog samita u Kopenhagenu 2009

4 zvezde
Protesti protiv klimatskog samita u Kopenhagenu 2009

mozete pratiti sva desavanja na mom sajtu: http://www.inventati.org/anarhizam/
ne stizem sve da prevedem, pa dosta toga objavim na engleskom.

evo nekih po meni bitnih stvari:

Spaljena benzinska pumpa - Švedska, Lund
Druga strana, jesi li spreman?
Ovo je akt usmeren protiv spektakla COP15 (klimatski samit u Kopenhagenu). Nećemo dozvoliti cirkusu političke elite da nas odvrate od onoga što znamo da treba da činimo. Prethodne noći smo spalili benzinsku pumpu u Lund-u, nedaleko od mosta sa Kopenhagenom. Nasuprot samitu u Kopenhagenu, smatramo da je uništavanje života ozbiljna stvar. Dok se na samitu pretvaraju da su zabrinuti, istovremeno obožavaju oganj vatre koju konzumiraju celog života već par vekova. Vatru koju mi gradimo - i potpaljujemo - je ta koja će nam pomoći da se oslobodimo lanaca i kreiramo prostor za stvaranje sveta o kome maštamo.
Ne vidimo nijedno drugo rešenje za situaciju u koju nas je gurnuo industrijski kapitalizam, nego da spalimo benzinske stanice i sve ostale stubove ovog sistema. Živimo u društveno-ekološkoj krizi, i to će tako ostati dok ne uklonimo uzroke toga.
Socijalni rat - ne društveno-ekološke krize

Repression against activists at climate summit
-As expected, the Schengen agreement was canceled at the 1.12. for 3 weeks. Therewith border controls at the danish border borders are legal on both sides.

-Police black book: "If you come with membership of a group that does not recognize the rules of the game in our society, like anarchists, we'll say no thanks to a visit. There is no reason to ask about violence and vandalism, "said cop Flemming Steen Munch. "If the activists are known in international registers as some who participated in riots, they are also not allowed to enter.
They will also be denied access if they are taken with weapon, tear gas, gas masks, or anything that indicates that you must participate in a demonstration strife. "We will go to the border if we get reports that there are some interesting types of road," said Flemming Steen Munch. He explains that the police in Germany, Sweden and Norway, contacts the danish police if something happens in their activist communities, which are connected to the climate summit.

'After the Aliens Act an alien may be rejected from admission if he should enter with the intent of creating disorder, relations with foreign powers or for health and safety reasons. So in this context, the police have a very wide discretion to refuse people at the border", said law professor at Copenhagen University, Jørn Vestergaard.

-Police Search Ragnhildsgade Sleeping Space: There were approximatley 200 people at Ragnhildsgade at the time (at 2.30am), and some people were moved by police from the cafe into the accomodation hall.
The police did not have a warrent saying they did not need one. Someone went to show the police the legal rental papers for the building and there is an uncomfirmed report that that person was detained or arrested, others say they don't know whether this happened or not.
The search follows a raid on another sleeping place, Teglholmen, on 4th December when police detained and handcuffed 15-20 people. The raid was criticised as being an attempt to intimidate and harass climate activists. The police spokesperson Flemming Steen Munch later apologised.

Timeline: "Do not buy the lie!"
Danas je u 10 sati ujutru krenulo okupljanje i nakon toga protest nazvan "Do not buy the lie!" U suštini to je protest protiv korporacija koje najviše zagađuju okolinu (sa sedištem u Kopnehagenu) a koje su toliko jake da su političari njihova potrčkala, samim tim korporacije imaju svoje debele interese koje zastupaju na klimatskom samitu u Kopenhagenu. Glavna parola na protestu je bila Our Climate - Not Your Business (Naša klima a ne vaš biznis) i protest je bio dosta ometan od strane policije, uhapšena je 61 osoba iako nisu koristili nasilje. Dakle, represija se sprovodi sve više, dakle i kad su protesti nenasilni. Po mojoj dosadašnjoj proceni, aktivisti nisu uspeli da se dokopaju mesta gde su sedišta korporacija ali videćemo da li će biti naki kasniji izveštaj. Protest je bio ispred Foruma a blizu je državna Energetska kompanija za Dansku, ali Møller Mærsk kompanija je u drugom kraju grada. Čak i da su došli donde, pravili bi buku i pokazali svoje nezadovoljstvo, ništa više od toga, ali danske vlasti, koje učestvuju u ratovima da bi omogućili sklapanje ugovora za Maersk koporaciju i još neke, su učinile sve da do protesta ispred korporacija ne dođe. Tako će aristokratija saznati samo preko vesti da su neki tamo aktivisti hteli da prave buku ispred njihovih firmi, i to je sve. Bilo je hladno ali su se ljudi malo zagrejali i zabavljali. Ali, u nastavku možeš pročitati detaljnije Timeline sa protesta uključujući linkove ka slikama i video snimcima.

13.47 - In total 61 people are arrested in connection with today's demonstration. Newspaper Extrabladet reported: 57 arrested as preventive measure, 1 for breach of the law on narcotics, 2 for breach of masking prohibition and 1 road drain, police said.

13:35 - The people who were blocked in at Konning Louises Bro (Queen Louise Bridge) by police are being released and allowed to walk away, but with police shrouding them on both sides. The police have also got dogs out but seemingly more as a provocation or deterrant than to be used against protesters. Feeling is that the protest is dispersing and people are possibly calling it a day, heading to info points and to Youth House in Stengade 50.

13:10 - Reports of approximately 200 people (and 2 public buses) on Dronning Louises Bro (Queen Louise Bridge) being penned in by two lines of riot police timblepic, who have effectively surrounded them on the city side of the bridge. There are about 8 police waggons present. Protestors reported to be heading east into the city. There are also a number of people (100) who are on the West side of the bridge blocked out of the city by the two police lines. People chanting "Not Your Business!" See Qik Video

13:00 - Danish police earlier said 35 arrests so far today, latest rumour is over 50.

12:40 - More reports of police stopping and searching people on the streets around the city. At HC Orstedsvej a group has just been stopped and searched. One man was arrested because he had a can of spray paint.

12:40 - People have now turned down Vodroffsvej heading south. No reports of arrests seen, but police are reported to be checking the bags of people should they drift of from the main crown down side-street. Reports that slowly the main mass of the demonstration has less people due to some loosing pace with it. See Qik Video

12:25 - Crowd at Forum just trying to move - police trying to stop them. Helicopter above. Crowd of several hundred now moving down Rosenorns Alle away from Forum, just turning into H.C. Ørsteds Vej

12:05 - At Rosenørns Alle, police were withdrawing to allow people forward. Difficult to estimate numbers because groups keep moving. Samba band playing. Maybe 500 people at Forum now. There have been some pushing as police try and stop people moving around. Situation mostly calm. See Bambuser Video

11:50 - The demonstration has been moving in different directions from Vesterport station, heading in the direction of Forum. At least 3 confirmed arrests recently. People were jogging and running in different directions. 3-400 people at Forum police blocking street, lots of police vans etc

11:40 - Crowd on Demo now moved to by Vesterport Station - police in yellow hi-vis jackets trying to encricle crowd by people are running around them. See Bambuser Video

11:40 - More reports of police stopping and searching people around town and by stations including Forum.

11:19 - Situation calm, but police still blocking progress of demonstration at intersection by main square. Starting to try to encirlce the crowd.

11:10 - The police have announced that the demonstration should be disbanded. There are now around 200 people there, many having left already to avoid being surrounded by police. It seems the crowd is now moving. Number of people in the area estimnated to be around 800: See Qik Video

11:00 - The demo has moved around 200m before being stopped by police who are blocking the street with vehicles. The police is asking that the demo appoint a 'leader' before it continues. See twitpic

10:15 - Around 200 people gathered at start point for demo - see twitpic

10:00 - There are reports of people being stopped and searched around the centre of town. Aso people leaving accomodation spaces being searched by police and items confiscated.
09:00 - Today there is the planned action "Our Climate, Not Your Business" meeting at 10am at Nytorv square. Indymedia reporting telephone number is now released: It's 52713652

  korisnik je offline
u: Pet 11 of Dec, 2009 [20:18 UTC] ocena: 0.00 čitanja: 29594

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autor poruka
4 zvezde
korisnik je offline
Re: Protesti protiv klimatskog samita u Kopenhagenu 2009
u: Pet 11 of Dec, 2009 [20:20 UTC] ocena: 0.00
December 12th 2009 Mass demonstration starting at the Danish parliament - Stay in the city. Choose your own space and way of protest.

December 13th 2009 HIT THE PRODUCTION! - come and join the action to shutdown capitalist production

December 15th 2009 RESISTANCE IS RIPE - agricultural action day

December 16th 2009 Arrival of high delegates. 'RECLAIM POWER! Pushing for climate justice' action at the conference center, organizes by CJA

December 18th 2009 The official last day of the summit

Some people call for anticapitalist march together with mass demonstration at Dec.12, some people call to stay in the city, as we see below. Logic conclusion is that leftists call for anticapitalist march together with mass demo while insurrectionists call for decentralized and autonomous actions.

Get heard not herded!
By accepting the form of protest designed to them by the state and leaving the city to march to the COP15 summit center on December 12th, the reformists are helping create undeserved legitimacy for a failed system.
In the barren fields around the center the voices of protest will fall only on the deaf ears of bought out politicians and corrupt officials.
You have a choice! Make your voice heard - refuse to be herded. Stay in the city. Choose your own space and way of protest. We need all forms of action to achieve real change.
Power to the people!

autor poruka
1 zvezde
korisnik je offline
Re: Protesti protiv klimatskog samita u Kopenhagenu 2009
u: Pet 05 of Nov, 2010 [09:31 UTC] ocena: 0.00
Spaljena benzinska pumpa? Da bi pokazali da se zaista brinu za ekologiju?
Nema drugog rešenja nego da se dižu u vazduh benzinske pumpe kao stubovi sistema?

I vi domaći anarhosindikalisti to podržavate?

Bezveze vam je ovo, narode...

Protesti, da, to je sve super, ali to s zlim sistemom oličenim u benzinskim pumpama koje treba dići u vazduh i zagaditi atmosferu da bismo pokazali da smo eko svesni, to nema mnogo smisla.

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