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Report from the

Founding Congress of Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative

Dear friends,

We would like to inform you that "Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative" held its Founding Congress in Belgrade, Serbia on 19th of October this year. The Congress was peak of two-year long work of activists of Initiative for Anarcho-Syndicate who have spread ideas of organizing and fight against all repressive institutions and system that surrounds us. In this way anarchist organizing in the Balkans is coming to the next phase - phase of organized resistance. On one hand it will enable much larger efficiency of our actions, easier coordination and placing in to practice of our ideas but, on the other hand, it will mark moment in which State and capitalist system will start to comprehend us as a real obstacles to their goal of shutting down any last bit of free thought that lives.

Congress, apart from forming of Statutes of organization, as platform for our future work and organizing, also adopted several important decisions which will affect work of our organization. Name "Initiative for Anarcho-Syndicate" is changed and from now on class orientated anarchists from Serbia will organize themselves under the name "Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative" (ASI). Also Congress decided that our organization will affiliate with anarcho-syndicalist international: International Workers Association (IWA-AIT). IWA is international hasp which is bounding together anarcho-syndicalists from all over the world in common fight against exploitation.

Congress delegated persons which will be members of editorial collective of our newspaper "Direktna Akcija" (Direct Action), persons who will form program board of our publishing/research house "Centar za liberterske studije" (Center for libertarian studies), and persons who are going to be organized in committee "Solidarnost" (Solidarity) and whose duty is to assist ASI members that find them self in trouble because of standing up against illegitimate authority of capitalist economic system and the State.

Until next Congress International Secretary of our organization will be Milica Š. She can be contacted at this E-mail. Secretary of our organization will be Ratibor T. and for position of treasurer our friend Sava K. was elected.

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Napravio: rata zadnja izmena: Nedelja 12. February 2006. [00:09:11 UTC] od rata

Narodni ustanak u Grčkoj

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