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Solidarity demonstrations

in Belgrade against G8 meeting

On Wednesday, 26. of June, Initiative for Anarcho-Syndicate (IAS) organized solidarity demonstrations against G8 meeting in Canada. We called our members and friends to show theirs protest in front of Canadian embassy in Belgrade.

Because it was a work day and work hour (2 pm.) and because of media blank (which is a new moment in our actions, because all other demonstrations we organized were announced by local radio stations etc.) only around 30 people appeared. Despite that we protested in front of the embassy for 30 minutes, than we left, in front of embassy, wreath with the note "Last farewell to G8 from IAS" and an non-lighten Molotov cocktail with "Next time it will be lighten" note on it.

After that we have blocked Kneza Miloša street, the main street in Belgrade, for 20 minutes. Also we have spread 1200 leaflets explaining what economical globalisation and capitalism are. During that time police didn't do anything. When we have finished blocking the street we started going to the center of the city, and in that moment police started following us. But as they didn't make any problem we didn't take much care about them. After we had finished handing out leaflets we left to the public park to rest.

In fifteen minute time police car arrived and took one of our members "as organizer" to the police station "for information talk" telling all of us that he is not arrested and that we should wait for him until they bring him back. In the first police station where he was taken he was yelled at by policeman but as he yelled back his mobile phone was taken from him and he was denied his right to call lawyer. After police found his police record he was transferred to another police station, know for aggressiveness against prisoners, and there he was questioned about demonstrations, about our newspaper ("Direktna Akcija" - "Direct Action") and about the group. After two hours he was released and charged for offense of "organizing illegal demonstration", he will be prosecuted in a short period of time.

You can see pictures from the protest here

We urge international anarchist, anarcho-syndicalist and revolutionary-syndicalist community to send protest letters and/or emails to Yugoslavian embassies and consulates around the world, asking that no charges are taken against our member. You can find details about closest Yugoslavian embassy or consulate on this web site.

We would like to receive copies of your protest emails

Details for protest letter:
IAS member: Ratibor Trivunac from Belgrade
Arrested where and when: On Wednesday, 26. June 2002, AFTER demonstrations against G8 in front of Canadian embassy in Belgrade

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Napravio: rata zadnja izmena: Subota 11. February 2006. [21:11:29 UTC] od rata

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